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[EFSS] Battery Storage Analysis




The EFSS system provided by IAMMETER is an online evaluation system that can help customers complete the following assessments.

  1. Electricity bill evaluation under different tariff templates
  2. Potential benefit evaluation before the installation of energy storage systems

To complete these two evaluations, users only need to do two tasks:

  1. Set up the tariff template
  2. Input hourly kWh data (Solar yield kWh, from grid kWh, to grid kWh)

Whether you are an IAMMETER user or not, you can use this tool, EFSS@IAMMETER.

The difference is that IAMMETER registered users can directly import hourly data and tariff templates from IAMMETER-cloud, making it easier to use. Non-IAMMETER-cloud users need to manually upload CSV data files.

This article mainly introduces how to use EFSS@IAMMETER to evaluate before the installation of a battery storage system.

Log in to EFSS


EFSS@IAMMETER-cloud has two login modes:

Log in with IAMMETER-cloud

Create a Quick Guest Account

Click to enter "Battery Simulation and Billing Analysis"

visit Battery Simulation and Billing Analysis

Start the First Evaluation

Select Data Source & Tariff Template

Start New Battery Simulation


  1. Select the data source. IAMMETER-cloud users can directly import data (log in to IAMMETER-cloud), while non-IAMMETER users can choose "CSV File" for data upload, CSV data format.
  2. Select the tariff template. If there is no template, please manually create one Add a Tariff Template.
  3. Click "Pre-evaluation."

Set Battery Parameters

For detailed steps, please refer to:

Evaluation Results

the benefit of 2013 after introducing a battery storage system

"Total saving": Total money saved within the selected time range after introducing the battery.

"Annual saving": Money saved within the selected time range, quantified to a year. The difference between "Annual saving" and "Total saving" is, if the selected year is not a complete 365 days, such as only 300 days, then "Total saving" is the money saved in 300 days, while "Annual saving" is the money saved quantified to a year, in this example, "Annual saving"= 365*"Total saving"/300.

“Payback Period”: How many years it will take to recover the investment in this battery system, calculation formula: “Payback Period”=“Annual Savings”/“Price”

“5-Year Earnings”: Money the battery helps you earn in 5 years, calculation formula: “5-Year Earnings”= 5*"Annual Savings" - “Price"

“10-Year Earnings”: Money the battery helps you earn in 10 years, calculation formula: “10-Year Earnings”= 10*"Annual Savings" - “Price"

“15-Year Earnings”: Money the battery helps you earn in 15 years, calculation formula: “15-Year Earnings”= 15*"Annual Savings" - “Price"

Consumption on-peak Reduction: Reduced Kwh during on-peak periods (because of the battery)

Consumption on-peak after: Kwh during on-peak periods after introducing the battery

Consumption Reduction: Reduced Kwh (because of the battery)

Consumption after: Kwh of consumption after introducing the battery

Exported Energy Reduction: Reduced Kwh fed into the grid (because of the battery)

Exported Energy After: Kwh of exported energy after introducing the battery

Reference Documents

Report: Predicting Benefits of Battery Storage Based on Actual Usage

EFSS: Energy Forecasting and Simulation System

EFSS (Energy Forecasting and Simulation System) is available now

IAMMETER`s energy meters
