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Use Virtual meter in IAMMETER cloud

About the Virtual Meter


The Virtual Meter is our latest innovation, allowing users to integrate various energy monitoring devices (like smart meters and inverters) with IAMMETER-cloud.

Note: The Virtual Meter is not a physical device but a service offered by IAMMETER-cloud. Users can upload data from third-party devices to IAMMETER-cloud either by calling our API or using IAMMETER's cloud bridge mode (when available), thus accessing all services provided by IAMMETER-cloud.

Virtual Meter by IAMMETER


The Virtual Meter represents our commitment to innovation. We encourage our customers to explore different methods of using Virtual Meters. The default limitations are as follows:

  • Each account is eligible to apply for only one Virtual Meter.
  • The standard service period for each Virtual Meter is 6 months.

These limitations can be customized based on individual account needs. If you require additional Virtual Meters or more service time for testing, please reach out to us via email or our feedback system. Should your testing prove to be particularly innovative, we are open to offering additional Virtual Meters and extended service time.

Applying for a Virtual Meter

Apply for a Virtual Meter from IAMMETER-Cloud


Integration Tutorials



Integrate a Goodwe inverter with the Virtual Meter using cloud mode


Integrate data from "SolaxCloud" with the IAMMETER-cloud Virtual Meter

Incorporate a Solax inverter into IAMMETER


How to bridge data from "Hoymiles Portal" to the IAMMETER-cloud Virtual Meter
