If you wish to monitor the energy meter within a LAN, two recommended methods are available.
IAMMETER-docker: deploy an local monitoring system
Monitor the local energy meter(same WLAN) in the frequency of 1s/s @LabFun
You can connect your iMeter-WiFi via LAN to your PC that running local monitoring software. No cloud service required and no internet needed for you to save your cost.
Deploy an local monitoring system
Monitor the local energy meter(same WLAN) in the frequency of 1s/s @LabFun
Monitor the solar PV in IAMMETER-1
What capabilities does IAMMETER offer?
Which type of electrical meter best fits your needs?
If you have a WeChat account, please follow our IAMMETER WeChat public ID.
Three Phase Wi-Fi Energy Meter (WEM3080T)
Single Phase Wi-Fi Energy Meter (WEM3080)
Three Phase Wi-Fi Energy Meter (WEM3046T)
Three Phase Wi-Fi Energy Meter (WEM3050T)